Art encourages children to think, developing skills and confidence as they go.
Art Workshops
When faced with the prospect of doing something new and different, we can feel anxious.
A lot like being faced with painting a new picture on a blank canvas, it can be hard to know where to start, what to paint and how to paint.
During the workshop children will be guided through painting a set picture whilst exploring challenges and emotions.
Even when shown how to do something new, we all have different fears. Some people fear doing it wrong, others have a fear of looking silly, or not being good enough compared to others. These are all natural fears but going outside your comfort zone and doing something different can actually boost our confidence, make us more resilient and give us the courage to tackle our fears.
We are all born creative and unique; these sessions are a chance to get the courage and confidence to unleash your own inner artist in a safe place.
Such a unique experience for the children to improve confidence, self esteem and create some amazing art work!
Deputy Headteacher
How can art sessions help with school transition?
Building skills in confidence and resilience through engaging in art.